

He is one of the seniors.
When stranger shows up somewhere else, it drives away at once.
It seems to be obviously strong.
Fur is good,and stocky.
I can not match him yet.



Convenience is being tested just now.
Next month is put on the market by the Adobe Systems Co. as for the product
version on March 23.
The beta version can use during April, and It is done that the campaign version is bought by July 5 when impression is good by obtaining.
You can download the beta from the page. and details here.


Plum blossoms

Plum blossoms.
Full-bloomed soon.
A good smell is shrouded around.
Spring soon.
The bush warbler also comes soon.
Today sleeps in the under in daytime.


White Eye

It is ..coming.. in my territory.
White eyes.
It is not possible to catch easily.
Do I still have a long way to go?
It seem not to be when eating
even if I captures it.